Appointment Booking System Final Year Project Report

SampleAppointment Booking System Final Year Project Report
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Features of the Project

Appointment Booking System Final Year Project Report

Online Appointment system is a Web based project, where users like proffessionalists in various fields can register and login themselves and a get there daily appointments as per their scheduled system, they also have option to cancel appointment, update schedule etc. proffessionalist can also have option to prepare there business schedule like there office timings, and also they can create various events conducted by them. On the other hand of system common persons can view the information of professionalists from various fields, also they can book or cancel the appointment and one can get various event information Organised by various professionalists within their cities

The Online Clinic Appointment System is a system of appointments built using PHP and MySQL. Project title assigned to the 24X7 Clinic System, where patients can make appointments online and monitor their history via it. 24X7 Clinic Framework is a web-based platform that encompasses all areas of clinical care and service. This website includes the. Project Description: The Online Medical Booking System is easy to use, full-featured and flexible appointment management portal. It allows patient to view list of doctors, available appointment time, book appointment, cancel appointment, view his appointment history. Administrator can manage doctors database and schedule from web based control. We know it is a tiring to call individual property agents,aarange appointment, finding better time for appointment and they will assist you.For such complex process we provide a one simple online form which require your basic information and we will assist in sort time period. Project Requirements:2.1.

How To Import And Run The Project?


Appointment Booking System Final Year Project Report Sample

First You need to unzip the source code, paste the online appointment system folder into your server directory Create database named appointment update database credintials in connection.php file as per your database connection's setting And run main.php file you will find a front page of system

Appointment Booking System Final Year Project Report Sample

Final year project report sample

How To Import Database?

Mechanical Final Year Project Report

Create database appointment on your MySQL command line client then use file UserEventAppointment.txt for creating tables, and inserting the values.