7 Segment Hex Code

A common but useful component

  1. I don't know if “anyone” can do it, but anyone who is taking a course where that is a homework assignment is expected to be able to do it. So, what is the first step?
  2. Hex-to-7-Segment Decoder: Logic Equations To display hexadecimal digits on a 7-segment display, we need to design a hex-to-7-segment decoder (called hex7seg), whose input is a 4-bit number (x3:0), and outputs are the 7-segment values a – g given by the truth table above. We can make a Karnaugh map for each segment and then develop.
  3. The following decoder truth table should help you develop the combinatorial logic for a full hexadecimal nibble. If you are to use each 7 segment display further on other than a 4 bit nibble, you would need further logic involved, and multiple 7 s.
  • 3 respects

Circuit design Relay Improved HEX to 7 segment decoder created by Matthieu.Dranem with Tinkercad.

Components and supplies

SparkFun 7-Segment Serial Display - Red
Arduino UNO

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About this project

Posted on January 8, 2017 by electromaniaweb

The main advantage of light emitting diodes is that because of their small die size, several of them can be connected together within one small and compact package producing what is generally called a 7-segment Display.

The 7-segment display, also written as “seven segment display”, consists of seven LEDs (hence its name) arranged in a rectangular fashion as shown. Each of the seven LEDs is called a segment because when illuminated the segment forms part of a numerical digit (both Decimal and Hex) to be displayed. An additional 8th LED is sometimes used within the same package thus allowing the indication of a decimal point, (DP) when two or more 7-segment displays are connected together to display numbers greater than ten.

Two types of SSD’s are available.

  • Common cathode Seven segment display

2. Common anode Seven segment display.

For now we will use a common anode seven segment display.


  • Firstly we will start by connecting the first pin on the seven segment display to the 2nd pin in the arduino. In likewise fashion we will connect the second to the third pin slot in arduino.
  • Now comes the tricky part, we have to connect the third pin on the seven segment display to the pin on the opposite side of it. And then connect them both to the ground slot in the arduino.
  • Now in like wise fashion we will keep joining the pin in the seven segment display to the arduino till pin 9 of the arduino.

We are all done with assembling the circuit.

Now there is an interesting breadboarding technique that can be used in this particular project. Using the same code mentioned above we can use two and up to four, Seven segment display countdown. Only con is that we will require an inexplicable amount of jumper wires.

I will show you how I did it for two SSD’s you can try on for as many as you like if you have those many jumper wires and breadboard.

What I did here was to connect the pin wire of the arduino to a slot in the breadboard and then join that slot to the two SSD’s simultaneously so that both of the SSD’s get the same common from the code and perform the same function.

Here you can clearly see what I did. But this was just to brush up your basic breadboarding skills and to be honest becomes very tiring and messy with so many wires.



  • 7 projects

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December 21, 2018
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Seven Segment Display is used in a variety of embedded application to display the numbers. Arduino 7 seg display is used in a different application like a digital counter, digital watch, lift, and oven etc.

We use seven segment display that will display number from 0-9 in a single segment. If we want to display more than one digit like a counting from 0-99, in this case, we required two seven segments connected to the arduino. We have used the multiplexed seven segment display in our project LM35 Temperature Sensor Interfacing with Seven Segment Display using AVR.

The seven segment is constructed using the 8 led’s connected in a specific pattern.

To understand the interfacing we first focus on single seven segment display.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Seven Segment Display Pinout
  • 3 Common Anode Seven Segment Display
  • 4 How to display numbers on 7 segment display

Seven Segment Display Pinout

In this pinout, we can easily see that all the pins are not symmetrical so while connecting with arduino take care of the order. If the segment is common anode then COM pin should be connected to Vcc and if the segment is common cathode then connect it to the GND.

Types of Seven Segment Display

  • Common Cathode
  • Common Anode

Common Cathode Seven Segment Display

In this type, the cathode of all 8-led’s is connected together and GND is applied to it. And all anode of 8-led’s assigned name a,b,c,d,e,f,g and dp. To glow a specific led in the segment we apply a logic HIGH signal to the segment pin.

7 Segment Hex Code Color

Common Anode Seven Segment Display

On the other side, it is just opposite to common cathode. All the anode of 8-led’s are connected to each other and to glow a particular led we apply logic LOW to respective pin.

Before programming make sure what kind of 7 segments you have and what signal we need to apply.

To display a specific number we first make a table in that we already mentioned the value to be ON for a particular led.

7 Segment Display Truth Table Common Cathode

DigitHex Valuedpgfedcba

How to display numbers on 7 segment display

7 Segment Hex Code Conversion

Hardware Required

  • Arduino Uno
  • Common Cathode Seven Segment Display
  • Resistor 220 ohm
  • Breadboard

Seven Segment Arduino Wiring Diagram

7 Segment Hex Code

Seven Segment Arduino Circuit

Arduino Seven Segment Display Code

We are giving HIGH signal to seven segments because we have common cathode seven segments. The program is looking very lengthy but it will be very easy to understand.

Program 1

7 Segment Hex Code Generator

Program 2