9Dragons Source Code Leaked
January 28, 2012Following the leaking of 9Dragons source, the latest news was that a hacker by the name of warv0x claimed to have the latest files for the server. 9Dragons has had its share of trolls and retards, the majority of them residing on Elite-pvpers, so naturally no claim was taken seriously even if it was on RageZone, a “MMORPG development forum”.

A RageZone forum member going by the name of Hexpor has released the source code for 9Dragons. According to Hexpor:
Lucky (for the original Server Files (wich he never revived the links for!) - Timebomb (For 1.18 Mirror upload) - Me (for creating this tutorial and adding the missing parts that existed in Timebomb's 1.18 server re-upload) Do not miss the 'LIKE' button! Later i will post how to let others go on your server too! Hello today i claimed 9Dragons game server files and database allow me to open it locally or Online. I made in running smoothly! I want to sell with configuration tutorial. Price will be high, above 3,500 $ Contact me to watch working localhost.: GM.Arale. Step 6: Additional Configurations. 1) Server Rates. There is a file that is loaded everytime a map start, so if you make a change to the file you need to restart the maps that are running. Edit the file c: 9dragons gs fofile groupbonus.txt. Change the multipliers for group 0 the multipliers are self explicative.
9dragons Server Files Wiki
This Source code server offical Build for :
hdr_vina ( Vietnam)
9dragons Server Files
It wont be long before the official private server is out. It is noted that the source is for the older versions of 9Dragons going right back to Acclaim. GamersFirst and GamesCampus files are not part of the release. Shortly before, a heavily modified version of 9Dragons was released under the name of “Dragons Dream Online” or DDO by Storm Entertainment, a Chinese based MMO publisher.
The leak can be traced back to some rogue elements from the Vietnamese publishers of 9Dragons or a rogue element from the developer Indy21 itself. Afterall, Indy21 will be closing soon and is going be taken over by a new company called Zerodin, whose graphics engine is being used in the popular game Rising Force Online.
Update: (25-02-12 )
9dragons Server Files Free
A member going by the name of “Warv0x” claims to have the latest “binaries as of 2011/12“