Lahiri Mahasaya Diary

In 1945, fifty years after Lahiri Mahasaya's passing in 1895, the Autobiography was complete and ready for publication. In 1999, Autobiography of a Yogi was designated one of the '100 Most Important Spiritual Books of the 20th Century' by a panel of theologians and luminaries convened by HarperCollins publishers. The book is a remarkable blend of spirituality, literature and philosophy based on the life of Yogiraj Sri Shama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya. It is actually part biography and part commentary on Lahiri Mahasaya’s life, on the Indian scriptures, including The Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads etc. An ultimate guide and a must read for all the soul. A particular state happens in our consciousness. Lahiri Mahasaya calls it Equilibrium; it is situated half road between the awareness of the external reality and the awareness of the internal state of peace. Before starting the practice of Kriya Pranayama, the Nadis Ida and Pingala are partially blocked and the Prana has difficulty to flow.

  1. Lahiri Mahasaya Diaries
  2. Lahiri Mahasaya Diary

Lahiri Mahasaya. Kriya Yoga and Unlocking Mystical Songs of Kabir. Lahiri Mahasaya. The Upanishads: In the Light of Kriya Yoga. Lahiri Mahasaya. Manu Gita. Lahiri Mahasay’s Complete Works Reorganized Version Volume 1. GITAS AND SANGHITAS Interpretations of Lahiri Mahasay. pages, 21 Photographs and. LAHIRI MAHASAYA Books direct from India. The teacher of Sri Yuketswar and the teachers teacher of Paramahamsa Yogananda. A great exponent of Kriya.

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He, on a later date, commanded his most advanced disciple Yogacharya Dr.

Complete Works of Lahiri Mahasay

Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee to write a spiritual and authentic biography of Lahiri Baba by entrusting him with those 26 invaluable diaries. The following books, authored by Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee are directly based on these 26 divine diaries:. The book is a remarkable blend of spirituality, literature and philosophy based on the life of Yogiraj Sri Shama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya. An ultimate guide and a must read for all the soul-seekers and all initiated into the blessed path of Kriya yoga.

The most sacred and secret science of Kriya yoga – explained; taking reference directly from none other than Swayang Brahma Lahiri Mahasaya. These warming and inspiring stories bring Mahasqya Mahasaya even closer to heart. It puts light on the ancient scriptures and tries to find out their true meaning, hiding behind, from the yogic perspective.

Also the book reveals the true identity of, perhaps the most supreme and enigmatic spiritual entity boos India – Mahavatar Babaji. A book of this stature cannot be written only with a command of knowledge, language or with possessing the writing faculty. For this is required sadhana-derived realization. The authenticity of this biography lies in the introduction where Sri Satyacharan Lahiri Mahasaya; grandson of Yogiraj Shama Charan Lahiri Laihri, commands his disciple the author Dr.

Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee, who was then an exalted Kriyaban having meticulously and assiduously completed the higher stage of Kriyas to write the biography.

He had furnished many details regarding his Grandfather Shyama Charan Lahiri to the author who maasaya judiciously incorporated these into the book. Unlike biographies of great personalities it is rather difficult to compose biographies of yogis. In the spiritual world, external manifestations are almost absent in the lives of yogis.


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Biographies of noble yogis are based on essences beyond senses nahasaya than facts bearing external manifestations. As and when necessitates yogis exhibit miracles, but the ideals they establish or the path of sadhana which they introduce to mankind for the attainment of salvation is more secret than secretive, the path which if followed by man can enable him to arrive at his ultimate and highest objective and this facet is regarded to be the greatest one in their biographies.

This book unfolds the true essence and esotery of Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya, the Fountain-Head of Kriya yoga, the Greatest Household-Yogi with an impeccable stroke of dexterity by the author. Author has laid bare the essence, concept, philosophy, the Esse, the sublime spirituality and spiritual sublimity of Shyama Charan for human comprehension. Through the purview of dharmaic history, philosophy, science, spirituality, Yoga-sastra, mathematics, astrology and Sanatana Dharma, a profound exegesis on the Life and Ideals of Yogiraj Shyama charan Lahiri Mahasaya has been conferred in this mwhasaya.

For the first time such an introspective scientific rational expatiation on Shyama charan resulting in harmonious fusion of history, philosophy, religion, logic, science is done. Shyama Charan vis-a-vis Bhagavan KrishnaBhagavan Ramathe four yugas, Babaji has been delineated with an intrinsic easefulness in this book. This book unravels the essence of Prana lucidly yet in a compelling manner and explains the abstruse esotery of Prana.

The book is forceful yogic expose on Prana scientifically yogic science analyzing the Esse of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri- Absolute Prana, the Origin and Mergence, the Progenitor, the Primordial; everything within and beyond yet nothing, thus the Allness yet Nothingness.

This is essentially a book for soul-seekers. It expounds the fact that mahasyaa transcends so called religion. Through this book the author has exposed the flagrant nudity of religion and spiritual culture being abided by today.

This book has mass appeal throughout India and abroad and has been translated and published in Hindi and English, original being Bengali. This book is based on selected significant annotations from confidential diaries of Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya. These annotations are sadhana derived direct realizations of Lahiri Mahasaya and of immense significance for those pursuing sadhana.

Author at the behest mahassaya his Guru Satyacharan Lahiri Mahasaya authored this composite scripture to save the actual essence of annotations from dilutions or distortions from non-Yogis and for the benefit of future Yogis. Intricate aspects of Kriya yoga has been elucidated by the author lucidly and this book is loved by all Kriya yoga practitioners.

Author of the divine books — a Nahasaya Himself – Yogacharya Dr. He is the World Kriya yoga Master. Perhaps less known, but the lineage always maintained the strictest norms of Kriya yoga, set by Lahiri Mahasaya Himself, without committing any change in the practice itself. Kriya yoga — in its most original and unmodified form as imparted by Lahiri Baba himself. Even at his current age of 80, Dr. Chatterjee is relentlessly spreading the teachings of Lord Shyama Charan, with his experience in Kriya yoga, spanning more than 5 decades.

The sole objective of this mission is to propagate the divine ideals of Lahiri Mahasaya and to preserve the exact Kriya yoga practice as imparted laniri Lahiri Mahasaya. On being invited as sole representative from India, to participate in the ” Parliament of World Religions ” held at Val St. I want to purchase these two books -“who is this shaman charan? Please can you tell me from where I can purchase this books.

I am from kolkata West Bengal.

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Books by Lahiri Mahasaya

Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee are directly based on these 26 divine diaries: Prana Vibration along spinal cord on the Chakras Also the book reveals the true identity of, perhaps the most supreme and enigmatic spiritual entity of India – Mahavatar Babaji.

Shamachurn Kriyayoga O Advaitabad: Official website of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Sanatan Mission: Sir I want to purchase these two books -“who is this shaman charan? Mohanan ppmohanan gmail. Sir, I want to perchage These two books “Puran purush yogiraj shri shyama charn Lahiri” and”shyamcharan Kriya yog wa advetvatabad” in Hindi.

Please inform me how I can get thes two books in Hindi and on what price.

I am from Jaipur Rajasthan my email Id is npgov. Hi,Im experiencing problems with your mail given above: Rajesh Bihari Delhi Ph.: Thank you Suresh sureshsuraz gmail. Jai Guru I would like to purchase these books,Kindly guide the place my contact details are sudhir. Jai Gurudev, My name is J.

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On the onset of Satya yuga, Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya revived the supreme science of Realizing the Soul or SelfKriya yoga. The most sacred path of being One with the God within, already manifested in all of us. Through Kriya yoga, He bestowed upon mankind – the Sadhana of Prana – ‘Pranayama’, exactly as described in the Bhagavad Gita [Chapter 4, Sloka 29]. Prana [Life energy] is the most primordial existence of Universe. Static state of Prana is God itself.
The chart of 6 Chakras of Prana Vibration - Kriya yoga science and secrets - as expounded by Lahiri Mahasaya

Bhagavad Gita terms this secret Sadhana as ‘Brahmavidya’. This only is mentioned thousands of years back in ‘Yoga Sutra’ of Maharshi Patanjali.
“tapahsvadhyayeshvara pranidhananikriyayogah” [Sadhana Pada : 1st Sloka]
The name was later on changed by Lord Sri Krishna as ‘Karmayoga’ in the Gita. Lahiri Mahasaya again revived this most divine route of ancient Sadhana as the Yoga of Sanatana Dharma [eternal Religion]. Dharma, which is beyond any caste, creed, community and color; the infinite Dharma to reach the ultimate state of Advaitaor Non-duality.
Sambhavami yuge yuge - Swayang Brahma Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya in Satya Yuga
Yogiraj Lahiri Mahasaya Himself is Swayang Brahma. Yuga-changer. He arrived when Kali Yuga completed its cycle and the Universe entered into blissful Satya Yuga [Satya Yuga started from 1895]. He is reverentially addressed as “Yogiraj” or “The King of Yogis”. Lahiri Baba used to write down His most exalted Yogic Realizations in His personal diaries which were kept confidential and were in the custody of Mahayogi Sri Satya Charan Lahiri Mahasaya [grandson of Yogiraj Lahiri Mahasaya]. 26 such divine diaries. They are invaluable treasures in the abstruse path of Yoga.

The science of Prana in Kriya yoga - Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya
On a later date, Sri Satya Charan Lahiri Mahasaya – commanded his most advanced disciple and an exalted Kriyayogi by then – Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee Mahasaya to write divine books, directly based on those 26 diaries. The books are authentic documentation on the sublime exalted Yogic life of Lahiri Mahasaya, the science of Kriya yoga and commentaries on ancient scriptures as expounded by none other than Lahiri Mahasaya Himself.

Who Is This Shama Churn

Brahmagyani Kriya yoga Masters - Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee and Yogivar Sri Satyacharan Lahiri Mahasaya
Lahiri mahasaya diary pdf

Divine Quotes :

  • The dazzling sun of the sky, whose brilliance has made this macrocosm radiant, that sun’s form, fire, resplendence, heat are all Me. When there is nothing barring Me in this universe then along with the sun of the sky I only prevail amidst the total creation. Without My Immanence the resplendent sun of the sky will be absent, thus I have created and am maintaining the totality. In this manner all the forms noticeable in this world are My Form only, My manifestations only. Therefore I only am the Master of creation, preservation and mergence taken together.
  • To familiarize the readers about his Guru Babaji ,Yogiraj, in his personal diary, has delineated a human face and thus recounted beside it -
  • “This Atmasurya is Mahapurusha Brahma, He only is the Container of the universe; everything evolves from here and ultimately everything merges here.”
  • Jab pran vayu sir ke upar chadha tab babaji se mila, jab babaji se mila tab kya nahi kar sakta hai…
  • Jo kisun so badua baba
  • Khod Babaji kaldand liye upar surya candramake bhitar dekhlai diya

Lahiri Mahasaya Diaries

  • jo kabira surya ka rup so hi abinashi brahma so hi hum
  • Hum hi asmanka suryarupa – Hum choday dusra koi nahi
  • Soul Sun Narayana, Bhagavan, Jagadiswara, omnipresent is I Myself
  • When I am the Soul Sun then whatever I state is Vedas- this should be known for sure
    Lahiri Mahasaya’s divine quotes on Advaita [Non-Duality]
  • I only am Krishna
  • The Primordial Male Energy in the Soul Sun is I Myself. Brahma Form of the Soul Sun is Mine
  • Whatever one thinks just at the moment of death, one becomes that.
Lahiri Mahasaya Diary
  • Living being infers kineticism, thus there is no option other than the still state -Pranayama stills.
  • Increase Kevala, Recaka, Puraka this will impart siddhi (fulfillment) – gradual increase entails Samadhi, having Recaka, Puraka it is like a closed well, effect the flow of Pranavayu, the mind becomes static – if further augmentation occurs disease is eliminated, – sins are burnt, purification ensues – knowledge dawns, ignorance or darkness is destroyed.
  • Prana only is the source of all power. Engrossing in Pranasadhana entails every sadhana practice.
  • Practising Kriya and remaining in Kriya’s transcendental state – this entails saying everything.
  • Entering into the realm of the soul is not possible if you do not consider yourself to be small.
  • Household asrama (garhastya) is the biggest asrama as other asramas are based on it.
  • Settlement is the advaita (non-duality) stte removes the difference between God and the devotee.
    Swayang Brahma – Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya
Lahiri Mahasaya Diary
  • Bhagavan marks His Advent as a Guru controlling His devotees and He imparts knowledge, counsel to ones whenever it is necessary for them. This Guru only is the Sadguru.
  • Special knowledge is science. This only is Atmajnana or soul- knowledge.
  • The One Who is All – Pervasive infinitely in the macrocosm, visualizing that unchangeable one is soul-visualization or Brahma – visualization. He is Infinite Soul but can be realized.
  • The state in which the knower, known, knowledge becomes one that only is the state of science. This is the true devotion or true knowledge.
  • Ignorance spontaneously is removed through the practice of excellent Pranakarma.
  • If one had to travel to a distant place for a few days, some requisites would be necessary. In this instance, the traveller is conversant about the place and period of stay. Yet without the prescribed requisites, travel is impossible. But when this body is abandoned and you have to proceed to an unknown path for an indefinite period of time, then how many requisites would be necessary? No material objects will be required then. The destination and duration of stay is unknown. That requisite has to be acquired in this present life through yogasadhana and carried over and that sadhana-derived experience will be the only requisite in the form of reformation. This requisite is imperishable.
  • The impurity of jaggery is removed by a certain process, similarly continuous Pranayama entails purification.
  • The one who does not envision the Kutastha according to the Guru’s advice is blind.
    Kriya yoga books - Purana Purusha and Who Is This Shama Churn; authored by Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee

The Author : Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee, World Kriyayoga Master

Author of the divine books – a Mahayogi Himself -Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee. He is the World Kriya yoga Master. His first guru was Sri Annada Charan Sastri ji, disciple of Mahayogi Sri Panchanan Bhattacharya Mahasaya, an elevated disciple of Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri. After Sastri ji’s demise, Dr. Chatterjee obtained initiation from Sri Sundarlal Lalaji of Varanasi & later from Sri Satyacharan LahiriMahasaya, grandson of Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya.
Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee, World Kriya yoga Master

Even at his current age of 80, Dr. Chatterjee is relentlessly spreading the teachings of Lord Shyama Charan, with his experience in Kriya yoga, spanning more than 5 decades. He is also the founder-director of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Sanatan Mission (YSSM) with the sole objective to propagate the divine ideals of Lahiri Mahasaya and to preserve the exact Kriya yoga practice as imparted by Lahiri Mahasaya.

On being invited as sole representative from India, to participate in the “Parliament of World Religions” held at Val St.Hugon, France in 1997 convened by Dalai Lama & sponsored by UNO, UNESCO, UNCHR; His call to mankind in the parliament – “ONE WORLD, ONE RELIGION, ONE GOD, ONE MAN”.

The books on Lahiri Mahasaya and the science of Kriya yoga in this video:

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Lahiri Mahasaya Diary

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Inside Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya temple in Kakdwip, West Bengal, India - A temple for spreading Kriya yoga worldwide