Reqtificator Download

Just uploaded on Nexus now. Much, much later than I'd hoped, but the next update of Requiem for a Knave has been released. This ended up being a pretty major one, and as such it will strictly require re-running the Reqtificator and starting a completely new game. Version-specific Recommendations must use a Version string equal to that of both ModList and Guide! Copy/paste the intended guide version from the 'Existing Guides' table above (if it exists) into the field below.

  • This must be done for the Reqtificator to work properly! In Mod Organizer, select the Data tab in the right-pane and expand 'SkyProc Patchers'Requiem'. Right-click on Reqtificator.jar and select 'Add as executable' then click OK. The default name is sufficient. Note that it is now part of the executable drop down next to the Run button.
  • Release (7/28/19) - Ultimate Skyrim 4.0.6 Happy Sunday everybody! I’m proud to present Ultimate Skyrim 4.0.6. Sorry for the tardy release - I hit a few snags towards the end & wanted to make sure everything was up to snuff. 4.0.6 is intended to polish the 4.0.x experience, since it’s th.
< User:Paul666root/SRLE LOTD Reqtified
Welcome to SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified
A STEP Hosted Pack created and maintained for the Skyrim Community

Finish Line

On this page we do our finishing patching and scripts. Also we will organise our mods.

Sort Your Load Order[edit]

First: Delete the Bashed Patch files created in the Overwrite mod.

Do NOT use LOOT to sort your load order unless you are 100% sure of what you are doing and even so I would recommend on disabling all Requiem patches before you do so.

For the purposes of this guide we will not be using LOOT. Sorting the load order with LOOT is not possible since it will not sort in the same way for every user and thus compatibility issues may arrise using the patches in the guide.

However we have a simple solution, don't worry you dont have to manually sort all the esps. Download manually this archive: Load Order from MISCELLANEOUS section in the Patch Central then follow these steps:

Now you should notice that all esps are ordered with Dual Sheath Redux.esp being last. If you have installed any other mods that were not in the guide all those esps will be after Dual Sheath Redux.esp deactivated. This is a good way to also check if you have different esps or if you made mistakes in the installation process.

TIP: After you copied the loadorder.txt in the profiles folder back it up by pressing the save icon in the top right corner of the right pane.
When you update merges or add mods to your load order you can restore the order by pressing the yellow curved arrow near the save icon and choose the backup from the window that appears. This is a easy way to restore the order of your plugins without having them manually moved again.

Running xEdit Scripts[edit]

Khajiit Show Ears

  1. Load up xEdit and load the whole load order.
  2. Right click --> Apply Script --> Khajiit Ears Show.
  3. In the pop box type in Khajiit Ears Show then click ok and let it run.
  4. When the Script is done Exit and Save.
  5. The resulting esp can be found in the overwrite folder in Mod Organizer
  6. Create a mod out of this esp something like Khajiit Ears Show Output

The Khajiit Ears Show.esp should be placed before Dual Sheath Redux.esp in your right pane load order so move it manually.

Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS[edit]

Fores New Idles in Skyrim, hereby referenced as FNIS is designed to allow new skeleton and animation designs not possible with the default Skyrim engine such as new animations, gender specific animations, poses, etc. This involves the use of an external patcher GenerateFNIS_for_Users.exe which will create specialized .hkx files to match the current skeleton and animation configuration. Perform the following (and again every time animation mods are changed):

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For a refresher on installing FNIS in MO see the wiki for that tool.

Mod Organizer has automatically placed the generated files into the <Mod Organizer Path>/overwrite folder for inclusion in the game. No further action is required. For reference, the files generated are:

  • meshes folder containing new hkx behavior files.
  • scripts folder containing 2 compiled scripts for version tracking.
  • tools folder containing logs.

Dual Sheath Redux[edit]

Add the program to Mod Organizer. First make sure you have installed the latest Java -> here

To add it go to the Data tab in the right pane of the Mod Organizer and scroll down the file tree until you see SkyProc Patchers. Expand SkyProc Patchers, then also expand Dual Sheath Redux Patch. Right-click on 'Dual Sheath Redux Patch.jar' and click Add as Executable. The default name should be fine. Click [OK]. Now you will see that DSR has been added to the program list with all the right parameters.

Run this patcher from the Mod Organizer top right dropdown menu.Dual Sheath Redux is a mod designed to allow left handed weapons to be displayed when sheathed and shields/staves to be stored on back.


For reference, the files generated by this mod are:

  • Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp
  • Entire SkyProc Patchers/Dual Sheath Redux folder containing logs/configuration files.

Both FNIS and Dual Sheath Redux output files now can be found in overwrite folder in Mod Organizer.Now create from overwrite a mod called SRLE LOTD Reqtified Profile, place it last in left pane and activate it.




First you must go to [Skyrim Path]Data folder and create, if there isn't one, a folder named SkyProc Patchers and inside this folder create another folder named Requiem. This must be done for the Reqtificator to work properly!

For reference, the files generated by this mod are:

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  • Requiem for the Indifferent.esp
  • Entire SkyProc Patchers/Requiem folder containing logs/configuration files.

The output files now can be found in overwrite folder in Mod Organizer. Now create from overwrite a mod called Requiem Output, place it last in left pane and activate it.

Restore NPC Visuals[edit]

Restore NPC Visuals

  1. Load up xEdit and load only the NPC Retextures Merged.esp and Requiem for the Indifferent.esp.
  2. Expand Requiem for the Indifferent.esp
  3. Right click on Non-Player Character (Actor) --> Apply Script --> Restore_NPC_Visuals
  4. When the Script is done Exit and Save


  • Close Mod Organizer and Run ReLinker
  • First time you have to set Mod Organizer's root path into ReLinker
  • Second you have to set Mod Organizer's mods folder path.
  • Once ReLinker completes place ReLinker Output folder that appears last in MO right before DynDOLOD - TexGen Output folder then Activate it.

DynDOLOD - Dynamic Distant LOD Generation[edit]

Running DynDOLOD generation is a two step process. The first executable, TexGen.exe, will generate object LOD textures from the currently installed object textures. This will only need to be executed again if object textures are changed. Perform the following to execute TexGen.exe:

The second executable, DynDOLOD.exe, will generate data files and the DynDOLOD esp to dynamically handle all the world objects found in the current load order. Perform the following to execute DynDOLOD.exe:

Play the Game[edit]

MCM Recommendations[edit]

This section specifies settings to be applied in the MCM Menu system. If a setting is not listed, it is expected to be at the mod install default (as seen with a new game). For a better overview we included all recommendations, even from SRLE Base.
Note: After exiting the game, there will file in Mod Organizers Overwrite. Move these files to the SRLE Reqtified Profile mod.

Skyrim Unbound[edit]

  • Apply User Preferences
  • Create the Character
  • Allow Requiem to Complete its Setup
  • Step forward and you should now be able to Save your game.

A Matter of Time[edit]

  • General Panel
    • Symbol 1 Section
      • Show Moon Phases:Enabled
      • Show Seasons:Enabled
  • Display Panel
    • Symbol 1 Section
      • Scale:60%
      • Horizontal Anchor:RIGHT
      • Horizontal Offset:-50
      • Vertical Offset:0
    • In-Game Clock Section
      • Scale:70%
      • Horizontal Anchor:RIGHT
      • Horizontal Offset:-45
      • Vertical Offset:38
    • In-Game Date Section
      • Scale:70%
      • Horizontal Anchor:RIGHT
      • Horizontal Offset:-45
      • Vertical Offset:47

Auto Unequip Ammo[edit]

  • Configuration Panel
    • Features Section
      • Use Equip SetsEnabled
      • Follower AddonEnabled

BFS Effects[edit]

  • Options Panel
    • Player Percentages Section
      • Normal:20%
    • NPC Percentages Section
      • Normal:20%

Blocksteal Redux[edit]

  • ActivateEnable
  • Load BasketEnable (Respond yes when prompted)

Complete Crafting[edit]

  • Crafting Options Panel
    • Additional Items Section
      • Artifact ReplicasEnabled
      • Matching Set CircletsEnabled
  • Learning & XP Panel
    • Smithing Experience Section
      • Tanning Rack0.5
      • Smelter0.5
    • Learn to Craft Section
      • Learning Points required to Craft200
  • Mining & Materials Panel
    • Mining Section
      • Mining PresetsFASTER MINING
  • Enable Mods Panel
    • Display Crafting Recipes Section
      • JewelCraftEnabled
      • Cloaks of SkyrimEnabled
      • Jaysus SwordsEnabled
      • Winter Is ComingEnabled
Distribution will be enabled automatically for Cloaks of Skyrim, Jaysus Swords, and Winter Is Coming. This is expected.
    • Distribute in Lists
      • JewelCraftEnabled


  • Features Panel
    • Stealth InvisiblityDisabled
  • Settings Panel
    • Max Followers3
    • Spacing Section
      • Space between followers120
  • Panel Panel
    • Dimensions Section
      • Y Coordinate:70

Enhanced Skyrim Factions: The Companions Guild[edit]

  • Presets
    • Presets
      • PresetReasonable - 24 Quests then click APPLY THIS PRESET
  • Miscellaneous
    • Training
      • Offered Only Daytime In YardENABLED
      • Njada Offers TrainingAFTER TRIAL
    • Sparring
      • Circle Will SparAFTER TRIAL
      • Allow Magic in SparringENABLED


  • ETaC_Patches
    • Interesting NPCs
      • ETaC_PATCH_3DNPCSEnabled
    • Static Mesh Improvement Mod
      • ETaC_PATCH_SMIMEnabled

Extended UI[edit]

  • Console Section
    • FullscreenEnabled
  • Stats Menu Section
    • Aspect RatioSet your game video resolution aspect ratio
    • Hide Legendary UI elementsEnabled
    • Show attribute modifiersEnabled
    • Show skill modifiersEnabled

Face To Face[edit]

  • Options Section
    • TrackingTRACKING


  • Overview Panel
    • Frostfall Status Section
      • Frostfall is:Enabled (Exit menu and wait for quest to complete before opening the menu again.)
  • Gameplay Panel
    • Fast Travel & Waiting Section
      • Disable Fast TravelEnabled
      • Disable Waiting While OutdoorsEnabled
  • Interface & Notifications
    • User Interface Section
      • Screen Aspect RatioSet your game video resolution aspect ratio

Immersive Horses[edit]

  • Horse Activation Actions Section
    • Standing ActivationRide
    • Mounted ActivationDismount
  • Last Ridden Horse Hotkeys Section
    • Follow/Wait KeyC (Change 'Auto Run' key to something else in game options)
  • Mounted Horse Hotkeys Section
    • Talk/Search KeyO

Immersive HUD[edit]

Reqtificator Download
  • Activation Panel
    • Compass Activation Section
      • Key press togglesEnabled
  • Options Panel
    • Enable Fast Fade of Magicka:Enabled
    • Enable Fast Fade of Stamina:Enabled

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Minty Lightning[edit]

  • Lightning Config
    • Fork Lightning Options
      • HostileEnabled
      • Frequency Delay50
    • Sheet Lightning Options
      • HostileEnabled
      • Frequency Delay50
  • Miscellaneous Panel
    • Miscellaneous Section
      • Legacy Config MenuEnabled (Actually Disabled)

Sky UI[edit]

  • General Panel
    • Item List Section
      • Font SizeSmall
      • Category Icon ThemeCELTIC
  • Advanced Panel
    • SWF Version Checking Section
      • Map MenuDisabled

Trade & Barter[edit]

  • Barter Rates Panel
    • Start ModClick (Exit menu then wait 10 seconds to allow time for the mod to start before opening the menu again.)


  • Melee & Ranged Panel
    • Melee Section
      • Camera View3RD PERSON LAST
      • Last Enemy RestrictionDisabled
      • Player Killmove ImmunityEnabled
    • Ranged Section
      • Camera ViewPROJECTILES
      • Last Enemy RestrictionDisabled
  • Stealth & Triggers Panel
    • Triggers Section
      • Left AttacksEnabled
      • Alt Werewolf AttacksEnabled

Wearable Lanterns[edit]

  • General Panel
    • General Settings Section
      • Lantern PositionWORN - FRONT RIGHT
      • Lantern Slot57
      • Turn Off When SneakingEnabled
    • Fuel Settings Section
      • Oil Lanterns Use OilEnabled
      • Bug Lanterns Use FlowersEnabled
    • Hotkeys Section
      • Toggle LanternG
  • Meters Panel
    • General Meter Settings Section
      • Layout PresetBottom Right

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Wet and Cold[edit]

  • Wet Panel
    • NPCs Section
      • Go HomeDisabled
  • Ashes/Survival Panel
    • Player Section
      • Watery EyesEnabled

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  • Styles Panel
    • Style Randomizer (All)Enabled
    • Sword Style / Sword Style (Left) Sections
      • PlayerSWORD ON BACK
    • Dagger Style / Dagger Style (Left) Sections
      • PlayerDAGGER ON BACK HIP
    • Bow Style Section
      • PlayerFROSTFALL BOW
    • Quiver Style Section
      • PlayerFROSTFALL QUIVER (XP32)
    • Bolt Style Section
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